Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Knowledge About Gothic (Just For Acknowledgement)

Southern Gothic is a subgenre of the Gothic writing style, unique to American literature. Like its parent genre, it relies on supernatural, ironic, or unusual events to guide the plot. Unlike its predecessor, it uses these tools not for the sake of suspense, but to explore social issues and reveal the cultural character of the American South.

The Southern Gothic author usually avoids perpetuating antebellum stereotypes like the contented slave, the demure Southern belle, the chivalrous gentleman, or the righteous Christian preacher. Instead, the writer takes classic Gothic archetypes, such as the damsel in distress or the heroic knight, and portrays them in a more modern and realistic manner — transforming them into, for example, a spiteful and reclusive spinster, or a white-suited, fan-brandishing lawyer with ulterior motives.

One of the most notable features of the Southern Gothic is "the grotesque" — this includes situations, places, or stock characters that often possess some cringe-inducing qualities, typically racial bigotry and egotistical self-righteousness — but enough good traits that readers find themselves interested nevertheless. While often disturbing, Southern Gothic authors commonly use deeply flawed, grotesque characters for greater narrative range and more opportunities to highlight unpleasant aspects of Southern culture, without being too literal or appearing to be overly moralistic.

This genre of writing is seen in the work of such famous Southern writers as William Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell, Flannery O'Connor, Carson McCullers, Eudora Welty, Tennessee Williams, Truman Capote, Harry Crews, Lee Smith, John Kennedy Toole, Cormac McCarthy, Davis Grubb, Barry Hannah, Katherine Ann Porter, Lewis Nordan, and William Gay among others. Tennessee Williams described Southern Gothic as a style that captured "an intuition, of an underlying dreadfulness in modern experience." However, the genre was itself open to criticism, even by its alleged practitioners. As Flannery O'Connor remarked, "anything that comes out of the South is going to be called grotesque by the northern reader, unless it is grotesque, in which case it is going to be called realistic

Post by : YURI a.k.a Pinky Black Dollz

Friday, August 22, 2008

Konvoi Ambang Merdeka WINDSTAR 2008

Pada 14hb Ogos lepas,Abe Hanafi telah menyertai salah sebuah acara KONVOI AMBANG MERDEKA anjuran kelab motorsikal WINDSTAR Bikers Club di Kota Bharu Kelantan.Konvoi ini berlangsung selama4 hari berturut2 dan melibatkan 4 buah ibu negeri iaitu Kota Bahru,Kuala Terengganu,Kuantan dan Johor Bharu.Konvoi ini diadakan sempena minggu anal merdeka anjuran badan NGO kelantan bagi mengutip dana untuk pembinaan sekolah2 dan taska2 di negeri Kelantan.

Post by : ABE HANAFI

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Pencari Ahli Dan Sahabat Youth Tribe (BARU!)

Anda Semua Di Alu-Alukan Untuk Meyertai Kami Asalkan Anda Tidak Atau Masih Belum Menyertai Mana-Mana Komuniti Atau Kumpulan-Kumpulan Lain Atas Sebab-Sebab Keselamatan.
Jika Berminat Sertakan Resume Anda Dan URL Myspace Anda (jika ada).TIADA YURAN DAN SEGALA BAYARAN DIPERLUKAN,SEMUA NYA ADALAH PERCUMA.Juga Anda Akan Mendapat Keahlian Selama Seumur Hidup Dan Mendapat Goodies Istimewa Yang Ekslusif Dari Kami.Cepat Sertai Kami Dan Jadi Lah Ahli Youth Tribe Sekarang!

Bermulanya sebuah al-kisah

Youth Tribe Community ditubuhkan atas dasar semangat setiakawan dalam satu kumpulan. Kami amat mengalu-alukan kepada semua remaja-remaja diluar sana turut serta berkumpul di bawah satu bumbung bagi menyerlahkan bakat-bakat serta kebolehan masing-masing tak kiralah sama ada dalam bidang muzik,fotografi,modelling,pencinta alam,pelukis,pereka cipta,penulisan sastera,sukan dan sebagainya yang membentuk keperibadian yang tersendiri.